--Two nights ago she grabbed her foot and sucked on it.
--She grabs her favorite toys (Thanks Auntie Tami and Nonna in Ohio!) with great intent and jams them in her mouth.
--Over the holidays she happily rolled over, both ways.
--She has a new noise that she yells whenever she sees Spider. And she's not so much kicking Spider now and making brave attempts at petting him.
--We realize she is far from the delicate flower we thought she was. Ross cuts her nails when she is wide awake. He recently pointed out that he is stronger than she is, and if he wants to cut her nails, well, that's what he's gonna do.
--She's wearing mostly 6 month clothes (Thanks Aunties Vanessa and Mary and GV!) with leg warmers, of course, and a few pair of bigger, longer socks.
--She wakes up in her crib in the morning and entertains herself for at least 15 minutes by chortling and cooing and giggling at the animals on her mobile (Thanks Mike and Carly and darling Charlotte!). After 15 minutes to 30 minutes her squawks get louder and louder until she's screaming to be picked up already, the mobile is immobile and therefore boring and the stuffed animals have nothing more to say.
Like the AMAZING black socks with bones on them. (Thanks Deanna! These are our new favorites!)
Also, as you can tell, Ginger looks good in black.
(Awesome boombox onesie from Natalie!)