It's time to gain a pound a week. That should be easy. Because I CAN NOT seem to eat enough. Several times a day, I have to admit, I grow tired of eating. But then I dig in again, and well, I really DIG IN. And swallow. And it is good.
Last night, when Ross called to check in before he headed home (in car, mine is in the shop so no shopping for me for a few days) he asked if I needed anything.
"Yes. I need you to go to Trader Joes."
"Um. Ok. Let me write this on my hand." See, usually, I say that I don't need anything. I do pretty much all the grocery shopping, and I can just fill up on whatever it is I think I might want. But this week, I've had a sore throat (snoring!) that turned into a couch and grossness to cough up. Which has meant my usual milk proteins are still in the fridge, awaiting my gaping maw.)
"I need hamburger meat. Chicken. Fish. Bacon. Avocados. Soy milk. Peanut Butter. And, um, a Corona."
"Hello? Can you go to the store? I'm hungry. Now."
I ate two burgers very soon after that.
So, it's been a bit hot. Less hiking and general exercising. Fatter arms. My knees seem to be disappearing. And yet, when I get dressed up (ie: put on something that shows off the boobs and belly but isn't stained and/or stretched beyond decency) I get lots of "you're gorgeous" "beautiful" "glowing" "hot" "sexy" comments. Even when I'm stuffing my face with one hand and clutching a beer in the other.
I guess it's a look that works on me.
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