So, that website sent me an email about boobs, so, duh, I read it. Didn't learn anything, but it does have good info.
What do you need to know about my massive breasts today? Well:
I had to buy new bras, real bras! and... drum roll please: C-cups!!!!
--got one fancy (ok, at Target = $9.99 cause even when I'm fancy I'm cheap) black one that is shaped like a bra/cup thing but has no padding (Ross and Mom approve
--and got one beige thing that has some room to grown in that will replace my yoga tanks/camis for day-to-day wear
When I got out of target I called my mom and then Ross. To brag.
More updates:
My C-cups (yeah!) did itch a bit today. And they have a bit more heft to them that even a week ago. My new bras still fit (I know I've mentioned the C-cup, but, well, I'm not tired of mentioning it yet.)
More shirts just don't fit.
This week I made one woman uncomfortable, yes, with my massive breasts: I caught her looking at them and then she looked quickly away.
And when I was talking to our neighbor Rudy (me in spanish he in spanglish) I told him about being pregnant. He said. "Ah, yes. Your chichimongas are more better!" I laughed and agreed.
Actually, I grabbed them in agreement.
Why are my breasts so sore now that I'm pregnant?Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause increased blood flow and changes in the breast tissue, which may make your breasts feel swollen, sore, tingly, and unusually sensitive to touch. Some women describe the sensation as an exaggerated version of how their breasts feel before their period.
Breast tenderness is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. It usually starts around 4 to 6 weeks and lasts through the first trimester.
What other changes can I expect?
Starting at around 8 weeks, your breasts also begin to get bigger, and they'll continue to grow throughout your pregnancy. It's common to go up a cup size or two, especially if it's your first baby. Your breasts may feel itchy as the skin stretches, and you may even develop stretch marks on them.
You may be able to see veins under the skin of your breasts, and you may find that your nipples are getting bigger and darker. After the first few months, your areolas — the pigmented circles around your nipples — will also be bigger and darker.
You may not have noticed the little bumps on your areolas before. But now these bumps, which are a type of oil-producing gland called Montgomery's tubercles, may become much more pronounced. Your breasts go through these changes in preparation for nursing your baby.
Around your third month of pregnancy, your breasts start producing colostrum, the special milk your baby will get when he first starts nursing. During the last few months of pregnancy, you may begin to leak a small amount of this thick yellowish substance, although some women start to leak earlier and some never leak at all.
Can I do anything to reduce the soreness?
Your best bet is to find a few good, supportive bras. Take the time to get fitted by a knowledgeable salesperson in a large department store or maternity shop.
You may find that bras with underwires are less comfortable now. To prevent chafing, look for soft material with no seams near the nipple. Cotton bras will be more comfortable and breathable than synthetic.
For extra support during the day, try a maternity bra. (During your third trimester, you might want to invest in a nursing bra, since you'll need one anyway if you'll be breastfeeding.) For nighttime, try a pregnancy sleep bra — a soft, nonrestrictive cotton bra available at maternity stores.
It's especially important to wear a supportive bra that fits properly while you exercise, because your breasts are heavier. A bra designed for exercise will provide the additional support you need and minimize discomfort.
Consider buying your bras with a bit of room to grow, since you may go up a size or two (both in cup size and chest circumference) as your breasts grow and your belly expands. Choose the ones that fit when the clasp is on the tightest setting, so you'll have some room to let them out. This is definitely a good idea if you end up buying a nursing bra before you deliver."