Sunday, May 10, 2009

Also, I have more pics from mexico

In which I might just look like a beached whale.

Or a lady with a beer belly. Or maybe a pregnant lady. My dear friend Natalie snapped a gazillion photos. In them it is clear that I have very blue eyes. And that Ross is goofy. And that I look very different in a bikini, now as compared to some other now.

On a hike today with two other pregnants, I complained about my upper arms. "Where did the muscle tone go?" They agreed: hard to keep the biceps buff when we've had to adjust so many of our exercise routines/practices. Also, push-ups with a belly that:
1. hits the floor
2. weighs 10 to 15 lbs, AND yanks one's back into a horseshoe shape

= not as easy or fun or effective as we want.

This week: back to yoga? Weights for sure!

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